Just Talking Chit
We discuss random topics surrounding board games, hobbies, and table dynamics in unscripted, unfiltered, raw, brotherly banter! Join us for our weekly episodes where Frank and Nick talk non-stop chit!
Podcasting since 2025 • 7 episodes
Just Talking Chit
Latest Episodes
Episode 7 - Sequels and Spin-offs and Standalones, OH MY!
Where are all the sequels in the board game industry?? Nick and Frank discuss sequels, spin offs, standalones, and remasters in pop culture and compare it to the board game hobby. They also get sidetracked talking about Uno and Honda CR-Vs. Tun...
Episode 7

Episode 6 - Deep Diving in the Shallows
Long time, no see :p This episode, the brothers delve into shallow board gaming preferences and the weak-willed gamers that hold them. Can you (or should you) like a game purely from aesthetics and components? How much snobbishness is needed in...
Episode 6

Episode 5 - Get to the Points!
Double header incoming! Lowest audio quality episode yet, but highest content quality ;) The brothers are back from their Super Bowl festivities, coming at you with a deep dive discussion into end-game scoring in the hobby. How many end-game po...
Episode 5

Episode 4 - Thou Shalt Not...
The brothers discuss appropriate gaming etiquette in the hobby! How much should you sweat for the win? How much hand holding is acceptable? What is the spirit of game nights? Frank and Nick slap together a living list of board game etiquette co...
Episode 4

Episode 3 - Real Business is Done on Paper
Welcome to Episode 3 of the Karl Urban Fan Club Podcast! Frank and Nick discuss board reviews in text versus video formats. Which is more effective, when are each ideal, and why is Frank wrong about his tier list? Join them for profanity, bante...
Episode 3